Saturday, February 27, 2010


I cannot believe that I have been married for 9 months. It feels like it has flown by. We have had many ups and downs.....we have added to our family( a kitty named Henry and a pup named Bella) and one was taken away. My precious cat Mittens, I had him since I was 12. The best thing is that through these 9 months we have had God centered in our marriage. I am so happy that God chose him to be my knight in shinning armor!

Brandon is an amazing husband. He is my rock!! I know that he will always be there for me. He loves me unconditionally. He is funny but very ornery. This man never and I mean never gets angry....You have to try really hard to get him steaming! (Not that I try to do it) It has actually only happened one time, but I am sure that it will happen more as life goes on. He is also very loud.....always making some kind of noise..... either whistling or singing or bird calls.

Sometimes I think, Is something going to happen?? My parents are not happy...Half the time they can not stand each other.Is that going to happen to Brandon and I? They do not have a perfect marriage. My dad is not the nicest man to be around and my mom is very stubborn. (Brandon says that I am stubborn, i don't know what he is talking about!) But my mom loves him unconditionally....No matter what he does, yeah she gets upset and yells back at times. But in her heart, she loves him. My dad, I don't really know. I guess he does not show his feeling very well..... It will not happen in our marriage because we have seen what happens and all the heartache that comes along with it.

Something that I really need to work on is opening up with Brandon, telling him how I am feeling. I know that I have put up a wall because I don't want to get hurt. I don't want him to leave me. I don't talk to Brandon about the way that I feel. I have always held it inside. And I know that he is hurt because I don't open up. I really don't know how. But I know that he loves me and will ALWAYS be there for me.

Right now I am reading a book called,
Love & Respect. It is a great book. It says that a women needs to be loved and a man need to be respected. For example: a woman may say.... you don't love me, and the man feels disrespected by her saying that and that in turn has him lash out unlovingly.

Ephesian 5:33- "However, each one of you MUST love his wife as he loves himself and the wife MUST respect her husband."

I have memorized that verse....and quoted it many times. But I never really knew what it said. This is a command saying that I must respect my husband. I know that at times I don't. I say things that are not nice...I know that I am just joking but still it comes out as unloving and disrespectful. I am trying really hard to show him and tell him how much I respect him. Because I love him with all my heart!!! I recommend this book. I am not finished. But so far it is great, It is for people whose marriage is falling apart, those whose marriage is wonderful but you want to make it better, even for engaged couples.

I want my marriage to be filled with laughter and joy. I know that sometimes it will be filled with tears, but Brandon and I will be side by side with God leading the way.I can't wait for Brandon and I to hit the one year mark!!!

God Bless


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bow Shooting

Hey All!!!

I am so excited to start a blog. though I am not sure exactly what to say so this one will be short.

Brandon is set on me learning how to shoot a bow. He gave me his old one and painted it pink with leaves on it.It is so adorable. He has outdone himself! I really want to learn how to shoot it, but I don't want to be bad.

So today I will have my first practice time. I am not so sure how well I will do. Brandon wants me to like it so much.......It makes me alittle nervous. I am not very sporty.......Change that, I am not sporty AT ALL. This is not going to be good I just know it.

I will be having arrows going all different ways....that is if I can even pull it back. I guess I will never know unless I try.