This is Benjamin Lee Arent. In the top picture, he is 3 days old. :) But the weeks have went by and now he is 6 weeks old. The time has just flown by.
He was born on April 30th 2011. 6lbs 4oz. The moment the doctor put Benjamin on my tummy I knew that I loved him with all my heart.... He was the sweetest little thing I had ever seen! I was worried that he would not be cute and would look all red but it was not like that at all. He was the cutest baby I have ever seen and he was all MINE!!!
Brandon and I fell in love with him..... when he came out, he was so alert. looking around and so happy. HE EVEN SMILED!!! Brandon did not want to put him down or let him out of his sight. :)
Benjamin is the sweetest baby. He smiles all the time and makes lots of noises. He is finally fitting into newborn clothes.....before he was drowning in them. Benjamin even sleeps through the night. He is so mellow and just a happy baby.